Size: 14x14
Landscape: Summer Africa
Player: Germany
Opponent: England
Our troops occupied very important height which well simply is badly necessary to your opponents to British. The task — in that that began to protect basis and to beat off all attacks of the enemy. It will be difficult to make it because the adversary doesn't shun anything and uses everything, both infantry and tanks and even aircraft. Though we are tormented by vague feeling that adversaries, just your subordinates, and enemies light warriors, these thoughts never shall visit the present Prussian a sluzhaka, like you.
Our rating:
In Blitzkrieg II directory \\Data create the folder with the name Custom, and in it, in turn, create the folder with the name Missions. Copy files in the turned-out Blitzkrieg II directory \\Data \\Custom \\Missions. Further load game, in the Main menu you will select the item "New Game", "Separate Jobs". Among the provided maps you will select DesertRats. |