Category: Set of the best objects
Takes places on a hard drive: 14 MB
Necessary additions: aren't necessary
Moi Mutagalleria — the Big public building in the form of an UFO filled with shops. Feature of object — a large number of additional packets which are stored in the moi_packages folder.
Author: Niol
SarahSisulartFromLostOdyssey — a fantastic suit of the character by the name of Sarah Sisulart from the console game Lost Odyssey.
Author: Niol
Twisted Tales — ten seminormal suits from "as if fairy tales", that is the old stories told in a new way.
Author: Antibusdeath
Unusual Anime — the frank suit in style of an anime cast by the character from advertizing.
Author: Steelmagpie
Unpack archive, set packets with extension of Sims2Pack by means of double click of a mouse and the subsequent confirmation, and all files with extension of package copy my documents / EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads in the folder (if such folder isn't present, create manually). |