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ArmA Armed Assault

In the main campaign of Armed Assault of a task share on main, subject, and collateral which serve for entertainment and any other role in war of the Kingdom of Sarani with northern neighbors don't play. Yes, game unambiguously promises eases by that who will pass one or two collateral missions, but experience shows that it has no real impact on the main tasks.
  For this reason we are interested first of all subject tasks. To pass each of them it is possible a set of different ways. There are scripts, there is an island, there are tasks - all the rest in your hands. Even it is optional to obey the commander (especially at the end of the game when you become the commander). Such freedom usually creates a set of amusing situations in the course of game. So, for example, in one of mission, running away from terrible soldiers of SDR, I tried to steal the car, but the driver, be not the fool, it was locked from within. I could shoot down it, but, alas, lost the weapon, crossing the city channel in the full calculation (fortunately, I all the same had no ammunition). It was necessary to steal a tractor and smartly to saw on it to the on rural areas.
  But at all this to pass many missions very difficult, especially to who has no experience of game in Operation Flashpoint. Therefore I not only will offer ways of passing of tasks, but also I will give in the course of some general tactical councils.


Well is to inhabitants of the Pacific islands of Sarani - the southern Kingdom of Sarani and the northern Saransk Democratic Republic. Recently friction between the states came to naught, but the American troops nevertheless train the royal army case of Sarani (RACS) - just like that, just in case. However, the most part of armored machinery of the USA already sailed away and floats in holds of the ships home.
  The journalist Marian Kwon calls the island paradise. Military who are sent on a heat, don't hurry to agree with this opinion. However, to the soldier Gordon whom she interviews, already all the same - he too leaves this "the pretty island".
  For you here everything only begins. On jeeps on the road soldiers go to military base at the city of Korazol as the strange message on firing in city line suddenly comes. June - not the most suitable time for petards so jeeps turn about the base. It is necessary to check everything carefully.
  "Group, move to a stone on... for 12 hours!"
  It is good, what not in a stub.

  Generally, your task in this mission - safely to get away. The jeep with a machine gun, most likely, will be undermined. On the city street there will be soldiers, and will soon be tightened both armored machinery - the IFV and the tank. It is necessary to you, having survived, to come running on the city edge and to be loaded into M113. Everything, war began.
  But it is possible to bring for a start benefit to the fatherland, having got on stone steps under cover of a concrete parapet - to shoot from height at hordes of North Saransk barbarians, prushchy from the East, unlike more convenient.
  Whether it is worth obeying the order to cease fire and to run? It is waited from us by developers, but it is possible to take and play Rambo. One of enemy soldiers will be armed with RPG. Such trophy it is possible to scare villains invaders very well. But beware of the soldier who ran out from round the corner, the main reason of mortality at this level.

  Council: in the conditions of the city you shouldn't use a look through a sight - problems with a field of vision don't cost risk. Instead simply use approach. Accuracy thus practically doesn't suffer especially as in the city you and don't need to aim far.

Danger is constituted also by T-72. Try not to catch sight to its crew. However, there are certain chances that the tank liquidates itself. At me, for example, it turned over in some cunning way and failed (perhaps, somehow I fell from the bridge).

  Note: developers cancelled concept of a ballistic trajectory of a bullet. It isn't necessary to do the amendment on decrease when firing of small arms at all distances practically. Thus shells of the person-portable anti-tank weapon nevertheless are attracted by the earth. It is interesting that in original Operation Flashpoint of a bullet initially flew on a ballistic trajectory whereas anti-tank shells found weight not at once but only from one of patches.

  Long won't allow to run around the city to you - sooner or later companions on M113 will decide to be evacuated without you, and to you will include the performed task.

The beaten dog

  Korazol northern invaders took. Go on Ortega. We will try them to stop. Positions of the USA and KAKS aren't bad strengthened - there are Sq.m machine guns, bags with sand and it is a lot of boxes with ammunition. North residents of Saransk will go as it is necessary, from the North - they will jump out on a hillock as gophers and right there to fall, struck by fire of your machine gun. With armored machinery your computer colleagues will instantly finish.

  Council: before falling heavily on the earth with a machine gun in hands, look, whether the grass grows on it. If asphalt nearby isn't present, it is better to fire from a knee, differently because of a dense grass you simply will see nothing.

  With a patch phenomenal accuracy of machine guns in game was corrected - now to shoot from it single as from a sniper rifle, won't leave any more. Fire short turns, you look through a sight with the maximum increase. Also don't feel sorry for ammunition - they can always be filled up in a box with ammunition.

Note: game has some problems with definition of mutual position of the player and a box of ammunition or armored machinery. It is simple to approach a box insufficiently - it is necessary to appear at the necessary distance and to turn to a box the right place. Sometimes, to have an opportunity to get into a box, round it it is necessary to dance fairly. It is hard to say, whether a bug it.

  When on a hillock leave "Urala", honeycomb them as soon as possible - you need to act from a position and to drive cars towards east strengthenings of KAKS because those in a panic will report that the enemy army threatens to rush into the city contrary to the usage from the East.
  I will tell you simply - royal troops simply peretrusit. They will perfectly consult and without you of what you are convinced if slightly you are late. North residents of Saransk aren't so terrible - they step on foot on the open district on the strengthened positions. However, for computer enemies a lemmingovatost - a sin pardonable.
  Admire Ortega's beauty at sunset, reflect one more small attack of northern lemmings. The task is passed.

Dolores's bridges

  The king Iosif III in a panic asks for international aid. America reflects while the few instructors and soldiers of the USA who were incidentally late on the island defend it together with KAKS.
  Despite the heroism shown by the player, Ortega nevertheless appeared in hands of northerners. The following city on the way of army of Northern Sarani - Dolores's town. It is located between two gulfs, and in it conduct three bridges. The plan is original - to blow up all three and to lock North residents of Saransk in the city, from where they will have one way - to the north, between gulfs. And there they will be already waited by the main forces of KAKS and, naturally, you.
  The player's task - to mine and at the right time to undermine east bridge. Put all five "thunder flashes" (yes, according to translators, bridges should be blown up the pyrotechnics imitating explosions) on the bridge or under one of bulls of the bridge - that in water. Be not afraid to lose the machine gun - at you all the same isn't present to it a uniform horn. It means that when over your head on the bridge brave North residents of Saransk on lonely UAZ with a machine gun, everything fly that you can make with them, is to prompt time.
  UAZ will pass on the way to the North - soldiers will land near barracks and there will winter. You game will ask to hide in one of the yards nearby and to wait for a signal. After a signal developers will want to seat you in a motor boat which is hidden under one of bridges. However it is possible and to move directly along east gulf to the north - but isn't farther than three hundred meters to have opportunity to blow up the bridge.
  When code words are distributed: "To cook a dinner and to step on Sokal" - blow up the bridge and run along the gulf to the. Don't gleam - soon on your traces the tanks angered by explosions, armored personnel carriers will go and it is a lot of angry blood-thirsty North residents of Saransk.

"Ours" were dug round on a sandy hillock and round it. "Straykera" frankly play the fool, riding in full view of советс back and forth... Saransk tankmen. Observe fight and if you want, be reweaponed - in boxes about an awning with a red cross there is a manual anti-tank M136 installation. In addition, there are field guns at which it is possible to sit down - and empty "Hamvi" with the good grenade launcher.
  To be late and play Rambo here I don't advise though it is possible to try - if you will quickly reach the boat and by it you will float until the end of the western gulf, you can manage to help the and even completely to interrupt coming if carries. On a plot Dolores's city will appear in hands of enemies, but the main thing after all - participation.


  So, all South of the kingdom is occupied by the enemy. The last escaped soldiers of KAKS and army of the USA recede on the hilly North to the city of Somato. Enemies ("as we also assumed") plan to begin approach to Somato in the dead of night under cover of darkness. There is only one discrepancy - they have no devices of night vision. And at us - is. And this small detail will help us with fight.
  I wouldn't tell that night battle approaches in order that for the first time on a plot to give to the player the chance to order soldiers. That in the dark that in green blinking of the device of night vision (you will pass all mission in them) your workmates it is visible badly therefore it is necessary to strain sight and to acquire bases of management of a platoon under way. Soldiers get out function keys, all platoon can be chosen as a tilde. Teams are given by figures on the main keyboard.
  In the description of a task it is told that you have to cause fire of artillery. Actually all will make for you. And in general, in this task a lot of things will be made for you if not to hurry every time to the new purpose. And the key to a victory consists in it.

So, forces of the Liberation Army of Sarani, come on the way to the North to Somato, assimilating to three blind little mice. Be loaded into two "Hamvi" with anti-tank tools and slowly you hurry to the first point. I advise to get the driver into the first car, and to place other soldiers already as it is necessary. Thus the fighter with M136 has to sit down the passenger - to it then, perhaps, it is necessary to descend.

  Council: switch off headlights of "Hamvi". They, you understand, here not really by the way. To force your soldier-NPC, the driver of the second car, it is possible to switch off headlights if to order it to behave it is reserved in the Fight Mode menu.

  It is possible to allow to allied NPC to be quit with the first group of soldiers, the IFV and the tank or to try to give the order to your shooter. In the tactical mode you allocate with a function key of the soldier with a symbol of a sight and you click the left key of a mouse on the purpose. Fire will be opened at once as soon as your shooter aims. Be attentive - rockets long are recharged.
  Remain and without special haste go along the road to the second point where you should reflect new attack of army of liberators. As rocket installations badly are suitable for fight against infantry, soldiers of the enemy now - your main trouble. Don't come nearer to a point of collecting more, than on two hundred meters, so far "Hamvi" with machine guns and pedestrian soldiers won't smooth out the region of a hillock.
  Where to take place? I advise to put off the anti-tank fighter and one more soldier and to hide them in bushes to the right of the road (we allocate, we order "action - to catapult", we click on bushes a mouse in the mode of a tactical look). Thus cars have to stand behind a hillock so that not to gleam, - and thus far away from each other. As soon as IFV or T-72 leave because of turn, they will appear under cross fire. Surely remain.
  Most likely, you should destroy three IFVs and one tank. Very much can be that rockets at you will come to an end, and will rescue you in the dark only the soldier with M136.

Council: pick up a sniper rifle - with it it will be simpler to take place the second part of a task.

  When attack stops, you will be given the order to counterattack. Follow to a point in the south under the beginning rain. When you reach it, the enemy base in the lowland will be fired by artillery. You will need only to finish survived. Resistance will practically not be, especially if to use a sniper rifle.


  As KAKS for the first time won a victory and defended the city of Somato, America nevertheless decided to enter war. But while troops are en route, the enemy decided to accelerate events and began storm of northern part of the island with the sea.
  You begin mission in the airport - the enemy was already put ashore and now leaves to a runway. At this moment in the east at the road of force of KAKS try to constrain attack from the East. Generally, in a stock you practically have no time - you have to pick up soldiers and beat off all attacks.
  Strangely enough, this task - one of the lungs. It is possible to pass it simply impudence. Be enough soldiers and be loaded into "Stryker" by all small group that the armor protected your wards from a casual bullet or a splinter. To load soldiers into M113 and in "Hamvi" you can't so leave on a runway and start bombing the enemy. Fire, ruthless fire. With the IFV your "Stryker" can make nothing - it is armed only with the grenade launcher. But your shooter will deal with manpower on the open district so that expensively to look at Ljubo. But what to do with armored machinery? Allied NPC can leave it - they are quite able to cope with it. It is possible to put couple of soldiers with M136 near a fence. The main thing - quickly to ride round the IFV, without giving the enemy strength of chance to aim.

When the message that forces of KAKS are broken arrives, you don't hurry to revenge. Against tanks and the IFV on the road you a little that you can make. Instead try to avoid fight and wait helicopters. They will make all work for you.
  That's all - such here simple task.


  Pretty gadenky task in which the most frequent action of the player will be combination "to keep-load". At first you will be put in baggage of "Stryker" and carried to the southern suburbs of Korazol that you understood from two "Shilkami". Thus two more platoons I will try to fight off northerners military base to the West from the city - and, of course, won't succeed in it.
  You should protect whenever possible soldiers so at once as disembarkation will begin, run to small group of trees to the West and hide all platoon under their kroner. It is necessary to make it not simply because in a shadow is more cool, - enemy soldiers will start running around soon and to ride different unnecessary BRDM and IFV. Yet helicopters won't arrive, it is better to be in shelter and to shoot from there towards the city and towards the hill behind which there is a military base.
  When your allies liquidate both "Shilka", helicopters will arrive and will begin to breathe a little easier. But helicopters won't be able to liquidate all enemy equipment so hope only for yourself. Also remain, because the following task - to seize the bridge to the West from the city, and then to take the city by forces of ten soldiers at your disposal.
  To reach the bridge not so difficult if to make a hook at a mountain sole, previously having smoothed out military base. It is easy to fire at soldiers on the bridge from hills, especially if you take a sniper rifle in hand (and you, most likely, will make it - in dead snipers round a shortcoming won't be).
  When the order arrives to take the city, to you, most likely, it is necessary to deal with the escaped tanks and the soldiers who ran out on noise so pick up also M136. Smoothly you enter the city and begin systematic cleaning by means of preservation and loading. You don't approach close bridges - on them can capitally jam the soldier. Most difficult it is necessary under the second bridge at the end - there many enemies and ruins among which they will hide. Fortunately, on this place mission comes to an end so you can simply send soldiers to fight, especially them without saving.

In the back of the enemy

  The southern island is free. Soldiers of the USA find traces of terrible genocide in the occupied cities. The whole cities became empty. At the victims of the awful northern mode blood is drunk and on a back dedications are written to demons of a hell that nobody doubted that it is necessary to begin military operation against Northern Sarani, a stronghold of powers of the Universal Evil and World Terrorism.
  We will also be engaged in it. If the previous task was heavy and dreary, you can cope with it, even without touching the platoon. Simply order to soldiers to stand and smoke, and run to a post at the southern road to a box with ammunition and arm. You will throw out the machine gun and take M126 with four rockets and a snayperka. Here, actually, and everything that is necessary for you. The first attack will go just from this direction - when on the hill BRDM and IFV are rolled out, shoot, be recharged and again shoot. Don't forget to do the amendment on ballistic decrease - at this distance approximately on meter - two higher than a board. Will perfectly cope with soldiers AI allies. The main thing - let's themselves kill. It is possible to use radio, having called snipers or an artillery attack, but there is no need to do it.
  When information on attack from the East arrives, don't forget to pick up in a box of the rocket and go to a post on east road (to the North, about a chapel). Here make the same.
  That's all. You won.

Great fight

Suddenly investigation found out that at army of northerners, it appears, there is the whole a lot of tanks - and in general is unclear how they with such wealth didn't seize the southern island in the first day. Tanks just about will attack our positions - fortunately, we have helicopters with which we will transport a reinforcement.
  In this task you operate the AH-1Z Cobra helicopter, one of two cars which support "Black Houki" during disembarkation. If you have no joystick, in advance sympathize - control of helicopter in game already the wildest. Even with the joystick it is hard to hold the car in air, and to force it to answer the helm - at all a problem of unimaginable complexity.
  As you already guess, in this task against you there will be a lot of armored machinery. On the strengthened positions of "ours" T-72 in a large number, the IFV will spread, and lonely "Shilka" will cover them from air attacks.
  If to take out "Shilka" at once, it is practically possible not to be afraid of attack from the earth. Be afraid of another - mistakes in scripts because of which the task can become impassable. Symptoms are simple: the marker on the card orders you to wait, and more occurs nothing. You can use this mistake in plenty to do some flying on islands (it is possible to glance even to the capital - enemies aren't present there, the city simply is empty) and to run about on roads, rejoicing to greatness of the nature, in comparison with which all these battles simply anything.
  It is impossible to get rid of an error of scripts in the legal ways in any way. It is only possible to press the left Shift + "-"on the digital keyboard - and to gather "endmission" without quotes.
  That before the battle, against tanks it is best of all to use the Hellfayr rockets - on one rocket on each tank if before start to be convinced that a rhombus of a dual purpose (the purpose is allocated with the Tab key). Uncontrollable rockets suit for cleaning of the big territory from infantry, and your shooter quite successfully can use a machine gun - it is necessary only to allow it to open fire at a discretion.

Last counting

Hurrah, we ache, North residents of Saransk bend! This time you with team are put in "Stryker" and carried to take the small strengthened camp strengthened by easel machine guns and armored cars. You are helped by the soldiers operated by AI.
  I advise to bypass camp on the right around the city and to come to it from the opposite side - from a small flat hillock. So you can, having closed an environment, to take the strengthened positions practically without the victims whereas in a frontal attack of problems definitely not to avoid.
  Actually, it is all mission. In refugee camp you should do already nothing - simply look at a sketch in which it will be found out that refugees - residents of the southern cities who were considered as the dead at massacre. It appears, all these executions - not senseless cruelty of northern army, and revenge of citizens to political opponents. If royal armed forces find "by miracle escaped" in camp, they won't be happy and will arrive with traitors in a familiar way.
  The camp is out of harm's way evacuated.

The last counting - a tsunami

  Yes, at the last minute - a surprise. When the bridge blows up, you sit down in "Hamvi" and remain: as soon as you reach the, you are attacked suddenly by the former allies - royal armed forces. It is visible that they fine became angry when they weren't allowed to revenge.
  Situation gloomy - attack is kept with two parties. Quickly you sit down in "Stryker", be enough one more soldier and put him the shooter (surely through the Transport menu, differently he will sit down the passenger). Now speed - your weapon. If you manage to liquidate two bombers near houses earlier, than they will put out of action of "Stryker", the victims will manage to be avoided. One more group of royalists hides in bushes nearby.
  When attack is beaten off, there will be a new task - finally to deal with the mode, to seize the capital and the next to it camps. The first reaction of the player - surprise: how, it is necessary to take the last stronghold of tyrants by forces of one platoon and "Stryker" with a machine gun? It is real - but it is necessary to suffer fairly.
  Actually a task to pass very easily. At your disposal except this platoon still a great lot of troops: planes, helicopters, four "Abrams". The choice is huge, and to change (the T,Y keys, U) it is possible in any commander. It is possible to sit down, for example, in "Harriyer" and to send five bombs on the city. Precisely to get bombs - the whole problem, but they will cause to the enemy some loss.


Four tanks - too the serious force and telling argument. But it is best of all to use helicopters. You remember about the Hellfayr rockets? Them at the helicopter eight pieces. In total helicopters at your disposal four. Thirty two shots turn out. It will be enough to destroy all T-72, BMP and "Shilka" near the capital three times. You are already able to use rockets. And when all eight pieces will be let out, it is possible to walk around the city and to camp a fiery storm from uncontrollable rockets. That's all. When all red points on a helicopter radar go out, it is necessary only to get into tanks and to check - whether everything is pure in the capital.
  Mission is finished. And it means that you passed campaign, - I congratulate.

Category: About Games | Added by: armedexpert (04.07.2015)
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