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Supreme Commander

Future. People extended on a galaxy, having based a set of colonies. The network of the quantum tunnels transferring a matter and information forms a basis for a civilization. They allow to transfer spaceships between the star systems with a speed much exceeding the light. Actually, tunnels - the only binding thread between the worlds.
  Descendants of people are divided into three camps. Three races are at war with each other already so long ago that hostility called Infinite War. New technologies laid the strategy foundation: on movement of spaceships too much energy therefore battles are conducted generally on a surface of planets leaves.
  On others planet one huge mechanism - the Commander goes. This mechanism is capable to transform a matter quickly to build small military colonies. Technologies allow to create the new mechanisms equipped with simple reason and to operate them. The center of a colony there is a Commander - his destruction means death of the settlement.


  2014 - The USA will be organized by flight of the person to Mars.
  2016 - The terrestrial states begin colonization of Solar system.
  2018 - Break in quantum physics theoretically proves movement of a matter with a speed above the light.
  2025 - Experiment confirms possibility of quantum movement.
  2032 - The first milligram of iron is transferred to the Moon surface.
  2050 - Via quantum tunnels the first living being is transferred.
  2061 - For the first time on the quantum tunnel people are transferred: the team reached the Triton, the companion of the Neptune, for a quarter of second.
  2062 - On the Triton the base for interstellar flights is constructed.
  2108 - The first colony of Earth on Alphée Zentawr is based: experiment took place successfully, but huge expenses of energy forced to look for other ways.
  2110 - The earth united. Progress in studying of artificial intelligence and nanotechnologies led to new strategy of colonization: the small starting team and the DNA block, forming a basis for rapid growth of the settlement was from now on sent.
  2284 - Sixteen colonies nicknamed later the Initial Worlds achieved stable situation. For the next century Earth created the empire connected by quantum tunnels: I established a reliable communication between the worlds and force I established own laws, the principles of trade.

2316 - The First Expansion began. All colonies of the Initial Worlds began own colonization. The terrestrial government presented them moderate independence, having reserved global control.
  2525 - The Second Expansion took place. More than one hundred colonies sent own colonists.
  2557 - Expedition on Serafim II, the promising planet five times of the continent, didn't come into contact in due time. Repeated expedition is planned.
  2590 - The second expedition was gone on Serafim II. The planet is recognized dangerous, is decided to stop colonization.
  2592 - The chip with artificial intelligence is for the first time implanted into a human brain, the turned-out combination is called the simbionty.
  2612 - The scientific program which created simbiont is successfully complete.
  2663 - The Third Expansion began. The terrestrial empire began to lose control over colonies.
  2666 - The colony of simbiont Protsion demanded independence. In reply the Terrestrial empire sent troops.
  2678 - Many simbionta departed from Protsion and based colonies of new race - Kibranov (Cybran).
  2679 - The terrestrial empire came into contact with descendants of researchers of Serafim II. They called themselves eonam (Aeon) and claimed that their ancestors mutated under the influence of alien reason. The terrestrial empire established quarantine and sent Commanders. Some months later communication with all settlements in ten light years from Serafim II was gone.
  2812 - The terrestrial empire combating eona and kibrana faced the serious internal conflicts.
  2817 - Eona took the offensive, the empire began to lose colonies.
  2924 - The terrestrial empire lost control over the most part of the territory, centuries of anarchy began.
  3256 - The place of the Terrestrial empire was taken by the Joint Terrestrial Federation (UEF).
  3844 - Through one thousand years after the beginning there was a hope for completion of war.

Terrestrial federation

Eight hundred years the Terrestrial empire individually governed a galaxy. The absolute power doesn't promote harmony - by the end of this term the center finally stuck in luxury, corruption, bureaucracy. Rash decisions led to two-front war, and a habit to govern force provided internal enemies.
  Five more centuries the empire was in agony while there was a civil war. At last, anarchy bothered all, and planets of people of Earth unite in federation. The joint Terrestrial federation which appeared in the thirty third century had to rally the occupied planets under external threat.
  Externally United Earth Federation (UEF) glorified itself as a brotherhood of free planets, but some objected: in power there were military heading Terrestrial command (EarthCom).
  Said that UEF - the lineal descendant of the old Terrestrial empire, and new governors is better nothing old. However simple people wanted stability, the external enemy was strong - and nobody challenged the power of federation.


The race of kibran was born on Earth. In 2592 doctor Gustav Brekman could implant the chip with artificial intelligence into a human brain. New beings, simbionta, worked more effectively than people and solved problems quicker: some decades of one hundred thousands later there were simbiontam. These people started holding key posts in the empire.
  Under pressure of the Terrestrial empire doctor Brekman built in confidential "loyalty program" chips: if симбионт behaved "incorrectly", the government could receive over them control.
  Soon Brekman together with many "cyberchildren" based a colony on the edge of a galaxy. The settlement started prospering thanks to the new technologies created by kibrana. Over time it became clear that the Terrestrial empire became a barrier on the way to further improvement, and the colony of kibran asked to provide it independence.
  The empire apprehended this request as mutiny: troops were in reply sent. Indignation of the simbiont which remained on Earth "loyalty program" suppressed, but Brekman managed to prevent its impact on immigrants.
  It is possible to look at a problem of kibran differently. On the one hand, people declared freedom as the greatest value, and kibrana still in many respects remained people. On the other hand, any симбионт surpassed in the opportunities of the person, and the growing race potentially became threat for all mankind.
  Anyway, the empire chose a military solution. A young colony couldn't resist to troops, and kibrana dissipated small settlements - "knots" - on distant back streets of known part of the Universe. Each knot was independent of others, and all had one purpose - fight against the Terrestrial empire.
  Doctor Brekman could prolong the life by means of the created technologies: for one thousand years of war it personally coordinated actions of simbiont. He was considered as the main enemy of a terrestrial civilization.
  Piracy and smuggling became usual occupations of a simple kibran. Their usual tactics - stabs in the back, diversions, surgical strikes in critical points. Though often kibrana were engaged in a robbery and hired murders, the main goal remained with them the same: independence.

Successors of other reason

At the time of moving of mankind on stars one of colonies was founded on the planet Serafim II. Exactly here people for the first time got acquainted with other reason. The commander Trent Smith directing a colony decided not to come into contact until the headquarters don't send the instruction in this respect. Smith ordered to meet by strength of any alien who came nearer to the settlement.
  Not all listened to the order: the group of scientists made friends with seraphs (beings decided to call so as their own name was unpronounceable). It became clear that seraphs above all appreciate the world and don't wish to be at war with somebody. As a sign of good intentions shared the knowledge unfamiliar to human science with scientists.
  When Trent Smith learned about contacts, he solved: seraphs capture reason of people and exploit them. Its answer was simple - it ordered to destroy an ancient civilization. Soon it became clear: despite pacifism, seraphs possess a quite good arsenal of the weapon. All attempts to attack aliens choked, but military managed to create deadly to them a virus. Soon all representatives of other reason were lost.
  Before death seraphs opened for scientists the main doctrine which they called the Way. By means of technologies of the lost civilization supporters of science got rid of military, and through one hundred years declared to all mankind: only the Way will rescue a galaxy from death. The empire sent troops to establish quarantine, but Serafim II's inhabitants managed to strike unexpected blow. Then they started distributing the doctrine to the next planets, everything is farther and farther.

The economy in Supreme Commander is organized simply and gracefully. There are two resources: matter and energy. Both resources are theoretically infinite, but it is possible to store it in the extremely limited volume.
  It is important to get not simply resources then to construct huge army and displace the enemy, - it is necessary to organize balance between production and consumption. Production has to exceed expenses (at least, the most part of time).

  It is important: in Supreme Commander it is necessary to control not simply sources of resources, and to plan construction according to opportunities. On the one hand, if expenses sharply exceed production, the economy will simply get to the deadlock. On the other hand, if not to use the got resources, the opponent will quickly get critical advantage. Not incidentally on the screen of statistics the lost resources are specially designated!

  The main sources of a matter - the mines scattered on a planet surface. These mines induce to control the territory and to carry out unexpected raids on possession of the enemy. Each edinichka meaning production of a matter is precious: it means new tanks, planes, bombs...
  At the beginning of game for fast obtaining energy it is possible to process the woods, the remains of buildings and the even lost enemies... Of course, this source of a matter is extremely limited and is suitable only initially, and also for critical situations.
  Besides, special buildings are capable to create a matter from energy. It is possible to generate a matter at itself on base - here it is only necessary for energy more than much.
  Unlike a matter, energy can be generated anywhere. The problem that is necessary for energy much and power plants is always not enough. Because of it the base sharply grows in the sizes - so, and to protect it becomes difficultly.
  When energy in prosperity to capture foreign base extremely hard. If energy generation sharply weakens, protective constructions become defenseless before attacks of the enemy. Destruction of power plants of the enemy - an excellent way to win.

The main principle of construction - preservation of balance between the income and expenses. In the top corners of the screen are specified as stocks of resources (a matter and energy), and their inflow ("profit") in unit of time. The second characteristic is more important: she allows to make the decision whether to build the building now or to wait.

When you direct the index of a mouse at a badge of new object, at the left on the screen there is a help with its description. In the same place are specified the cost of construction (built cost) and a row - in brackets - cost in a second (rate). To us value in brackets is important: these numbers will be subtracted from "profit". The general cost of information value has no: it more likely help data.
  In the normal mode losses shouldn't exceed the income. Of course, for short term it is possible to exceed this characteristic: the shortcoming will be filled at the expense of stocks. If it was necessary to go to this measure, it is necessary to watch a situation personally.
  Emergence in the help of a column of the daily income and expenses (yield) means that after construction the object will spend or, on the contrary, to give a resource. It is important to consider this number: in the conditions of an energy crisis the radar, for example, will be useless. However, the buildings demanding a lot of energy can be disconnected for a while by means of the control panel.
  Some buildings contain one more column in a window of the help - the volume of storage (storage) characterizing increase in the maximum stock for a resource. Number this though pleasant, but not the especially important.
  If it is unclear, resources are so carelessly spent where exactly, it is necessary to include economic regime (Ctrl+E): on the appeared badges expenses and the income will be specified.


  Ability to build new buildings is divided between the commander and engineers (engineers). The main group is responsible only for the major sites, and hard workers engineers build everything - from fences to submarines with atomic weapons onboard.
  Engineers with equal ease move by land and to water, build and repair buildings, create huge military facilities. They in many respects - the central group of game. It is possible to create engineers at all factories making troops.
  There are three levels of engineers. The level is higher, the it is more at group of abilities and the construction speed is higher. The engineer of the first level will create only the simplest buildings, and the third level adds ability to build difficult buildings up to the launcher of nuclear rockets.
  Level of the engineer depends on the level of factory where he was given rise. Level of factory can be increased, but it demands rather large number of resources.

Mutual aid

  The most important principle of construction in Supreme Commander - mutual aid. If construction something monumental goes slowly, we can send to the help of one more engineer or even the command mechanism. Speed of work will increase, but also resources it will be required much more.
  In the same way engineers can help factories with construction of any groups. The same principle - we change surplus of resources for work speed. Besides, factories can help each other: it means that they will have the general turn of orders. If the factory assistant is lower on level, it will carry out orders according to the opportunities.
  Engineers can help and to military groups. "Help" will mean in this case that the repairman in process of forces will be dragged behind the chosen tank and to repair it.

First steps

The commander gets on the new planet alone: he should construct base and to create army from scratch. The initial stage easily gives in to optimization: the algorithm is obvious and doesn't demand reflections. The first step on this way - construction of mines on production of a matter (mass extractor). To start enough two mines: of course, them it is necessary more, but the hobby will lead to speed loss.
  The second step - creation of electric generators (power generator). Three-four generators in a row will provide energy for assembly of the first groups. As well as with mines, we need more generators, but it will wait.
  If the field allocated with a lightning is near, it is useful to construct hydrocarbonic power plant (hydrocarbon power plant): this building creates five times more energy. However, it is under construction three times more long therefore specially it isn't necessary to look for it: is near - well, isn't present - anything terrible. Loss of time for searches isn't offset by small overweight in energy.

The third step is also set in advance: it is construction of factory of land forces (land factory). Simple troops are cheapest is to us and it is necessary at an early stage. It is best of all to dispose factory closely to generators: direct connections will reduce amount of the consumed energy.
  When the factory is ready, the commander should move off in searches of new fields for mines: big construction is necessary. Along with it the factory has to begin training of engineers (engineers) and antiaircraft installations (mobile anti-aircraft gun).
  The generator of the weight (mass fabricator) creates a matter from energy. Energy expenses thus are highest so generators of weight should be built in case mines are inaccessible.

  For record: I recommend to build more generators of weight, than it is necessary - superfluous it is simply possible to disconnect. Temporarily non-working generators will allow to balance balance in case we have a lot of energy and weak production of a matter.

One of the major buildings - a radar (radar system): if it is included, imperceptibly it will be more difficult to approach your base. Existence of a radar is critical.
  If attack from the sea is expected, the sonar (sonar system), water analog of a radar is useful. Its existence will allow to prevent attack from an unexpected side.
  Other buildings of the first level are less important and by and large it is possible to do without them.
  Whether to build aviafactory (air factory) at an early stage - a question of tactics. On the one hand, we receive means of pressure upon mines of the opponent and the scout. With another - we lag behind in development a little.

The shipyard (naval factory) is necessary only on cards where the sea prevails. However, anyway the basis can be postponed: frequent better at first to develop, and then quickly to construct shipyard and to create fleet.
  Storages of energy (energy storage) and matter (mass storage) increase the volume of a stock of resources. Practice shows that it is possible to win at all without these buildings, so against their construction - business exclusively voluntary.
  The remained buildings are protective towers of three types: land (point defense), antiaircraft (anti-air defense) and water (torpedo launcher). Their purposes are simple and clear, only one detail is important: all these constructions don't demand continuous inflow of energy.

Second level

  The majority of buildings of the second level carry out the same functions as already known to us, only action is strengthened. From such buildings it should be noted separately only mines (mass extractor): the improved modifications give an essential gain of a matter, but improvement process in itself ресурсоемок.

  For record: one races are compelled to build new buildings for strengthening of effect, others can improve the already existing. Thus the main principles remain the general.

  Generators of a field (shield generator) allow to protect base from blows published. The field absorbs the most part of the blow struck from the outside. A base covering a network of the crossed fields - nearly the most important element of its protection, without it buildings remain defenseless before long-range artillery.
  It is important to understand that fields protect not for hundred percent therefore it is impossible to allow long attack of the territory, and it won't be possible to sit out behind "board".
  Among new buildings - platforms with tactical missiles (tactical missile launcher) and protection from them (tactical missile defense) allowing to strike surgical strikes on long distances. Tactical missiles will help to eliminate the artillery striking blows published. However, you shouldn't be fond of them.
  Besides, the base can be hidden by means of fields of invisibility (stealth shield generator). This technology does useless an enemy radar.
  At last, the platform of support (air staging platform) serves for refueling of planes.

The highest level

  The third level allows to build stationary artillery (heavy artillery installation) which is characterized by the high radius of firing. This building should be built long so it is necessary to think: whether it is better to release the new battle ship or army of heavy tanks.
  Atomic weapons (strategic missile launcher) - the most powerful weapon of game, but is easy to be protected from it, it is enough to think of strategic protection (strategic missile defense) in advance.
  Quantum gate (quantum gateway) allow to cause new command objects. Advantage is available: it is possible to use powerful group, without risking to lose in case of his death.

Engineers of the third level can, besides listed, to create the huge supergroups called by "experimental" (experimental units). Actually, it is armies, united in one group. Each race arranges three views of such mechanisms.
  Though at each race the experimental groups, it is possible to allocate five general types. Thus some experimental mechanisms combine signs at once several types.
  "The huge tank" represents means for direct attack to the enemy. It is characterized by various oruzhiya and impressive armor. It is good for break in case both parties well became stronger. Often such group can not only shoot, but also simply press the opponent.
  "The flying fortress" is weaker than "tank", but is much more mobile. For attack to bases it is too unprotected, but can guide a considerable alarm in the remote settlement or, for example, at shipyards.
  "The mobile factory" is capable to make usual groups in the back at the enemy. Usefulness is doubtful: there it is possible to construct also usual factory.
  "Aircraft carrier" transfers on itself planes: unfortunately, to be protected from aircraft too easily therefore this type is also not too useful.
  "The enormous artillery", in my opinion, is most useful: these groups are capable to transform energy stocks to continuous blows to the enemy from huge distance. Often the opponent doesn't even understand from what I was lost. The artillery has two shortcomings: to build it most long and, besides, it is quite easy to destroy it.

Principles of war

  The commander - the central and strongest group of army. His death means loss therefore most often it is hidden on the base and is engaged in construction. Nevertheless as a last resort he takes important part in fights.
  It is important not to forget that the commander can be improved. Among standard improvements (strong armor, a strong gun) attracts to itself possibility of teleportation.

Ground forces can be considered the main mainly at the first stage of game. Later the artillery is capable to carry the whole army even prior to attack therefore it is necessary to approach the enemy carefully. On the other hand, lack of ground forces threatens with attack of the enemy.
  From first minutes antiaircraft installations (mobile anti-aircraft gun) are useful: they will help if the enemy strikes early air blow and cost not much. Later they have to accompany all large movements of troops. After them it is possible to add with an antiaircraft artillery (mobile AA flak artillery), but full modernization isn't necessary: even groups of the first level perfectly cope with aircraft.
  Groups of investigation (scout) are useful more than conditionally - planes cope with the same tasks much better. Easy robots (light assault bot) serve as a peculiar infantry: unfortunately, their speed can't compensate weak armor.
  Various tanks (tank) will protect from casual attack and will help to hack poorly protected base if you were solved on blitzkrieg. At later stages they serve in the basic as cover forces for artillery: in itself the critical loss won't be caused, but protected from near fight. The amphibian tank (amphibious tank) is weaker usual, but is capable to overcome water barriers.
  The further technologies develop, the better it is necessary to protect tanks. To bring troops to base of the enemy in an integrity, it is necessary to protect them on the way from aircraft and distant blows, to hide mobile antiradars... If not to make it, they will be lost on the road.
  The role of heavy tanks at the third level of development is taken by heavy robots (siege assault bot). Their feature is simple: high force of attack. Besides, they demand continuous feed by energy.
  In game some types of artillery (artillery) are presented: from easy to the superheavy. They differ not only range and force, but also preparation time. Before the heavy artillery is ready to firing, we are waited by tens seconds of expectation.
  With the advent of the heavy tank it is possible to forget about the usual. With artillery the situation is more difficult: in the same connections it is necessary to combine various types of long-range troops.

  For record: range of attacks can be seen, having pressed the Ctrl+W keys. In such mode it is easy to choose an optimum position for gunners.

  The mobile generator of a field (mobile shield generator) will protect the moving army from attack. It is only necessary to remember that mobile generators absorb energy not worse than the stationary: the excessive hobby for them can lead to crisis.


Advantages of aircraft are obvious: high speed and, therefore, mobility. Bombers are capable to liquidate breaks to our back and to strike blows to mines of the enemy.
  The aircraft combines strong attack with actually total absence of armor. It means that in most cases the aircraft is powerless, and is useful only when antiaircraft installations aren't established yet.
  Without prospecting planes (air scout) it is difficult to imagine war: they can be sent to constant patrols, and they will report about threat in advance. Scouts are cheap, and very often they find the enemy at the cost of the life. It doesn't matter: others will at once come to their place.

  For record: in a stock always there have to be some prospecting planes: in case attack base from a distance, they have to find quickly the enemy and guide at him own artillery.

  The link of bombers (bomber) is capable to destroy by bombing easily the whole army if, of course, that is incapable to be protected. In process of development of technology usual bombers are replaced strategic, but the difference between them is small.
  Interceptors (interceptor) are necessary first of all to protect bombers. Besides, them it is possible to hunt on bombers of the enemy, but in this case the player is obliged to possess fantastic reaction.
  There is a theoretical opportunity to protect interceptors land objects, but practice shows: antiaircraft installations are much more effective.
  The fighting flying ships (gunship) - analogs of modern helicopters. They are useful during protection of own base when it is necessary to block unexpected break of defense. Besides, they are capable to strike blows to mines of the enemy.
  Torpedo bombers (torpedo bomber) remind usual, but are intended for attack only at the sea. It is more useful, than it seems at first sight as on sea charts value of aircraft amplifies.
  At last, transport groups (air transport) are capable to transfer on themselves land troops. It is possible to use a standard combination (to load - to transport-unload), but to automate process much more effectively. For this purpose it is necessary to send transport to the initial point of a route, to choose the ferry command and to point to a final point. On the earth there will be a small dagger beacon: if to direct land groups on it, they will be transported along a route.
  We can specify a beacon as the purpose for factory: in this case again constructed groups will be transported at once on a new place. Besides, it is possible "to tie" to the same route also other transport groups.


The fleet differs from usual troops in that is based on small number of strong groups. For example, battle ships fire at base of the opponent not worse than other artillery installation, thus their armor will give odds to many experimental groups. The main lack of fleet - low speed.
  The submarine (submarine) is intended only against fleet of the opponent. If carries, the opponent will be defenseless before our troops. It is important to note that at submarines two provisions: surface and underwater. In a surfaced state they are capable to use additional guns - but live not for long.
  The patrol ship (frigate) serves as support for larger courts. The radar and the sonar is built in them, and still they can defend against planes.
  The cruiser (cruiser) is conceived as means against aircraft of the opponent and rockets. It is the ship of narrow specialization.
  The destroyer (destroyer) protects battle ships from submarines of the enemy. Besides, he is capable to strike also itself blows both to the navodny purposes, and to the coast.
  The battle ship (battleship) - the giant of fleet, is intended for destruction of the enemy ships and planes. For it the big radius of firing allowing to fire effectively at bases of the opponent is characteristic. Battle ships need support of the ships of other types, first of all destroyers.
  Submarines with atomic weapons onboard (strategic missile submarine) - mobile launchers for atomic weapons. It is a little fundamental differences from stationary launchers.

  It is interesting: surprisingly, but nuclear rockets are made directly onboard submarines!

  As one would expect, the fleet is important first of all on sea charts. If the land prevails, the surprise factor appears its main advantage. Many nominally overland groups are capable to overcome water barriers on a bottom therefore the role of the ships is slightly less, than in the real world. Nevertheless, some my battles with the opponent ended is deplorable because of underestimation of fleet.

missile troops

Both at tactical, and at nuclear rockets the general merits and demerits. Advantage of rockets obviously: it is possible to shoot from a distance, without coming nearer to the purpose. A problem that preparation of the rocket for firing is much more expensive, than protection. If both parties developed approximately equally, for certain all important objects will be protected.
  Main objective of atomic weapons - minor bases and the remote objects. The shipyard or the fleet expecting the time can be the fine purposes. It is good if it is possible to find the built experimental mechanism: then one blow will cross out all efforts of the enemy. It isn't a pity for the rocket and against the mines extracting a matter.

To a victory

  The victory to you will be brought by the same that as belief and the truth serves real military: surprise, determination, blows in weak points, joint actions of various types of military forces. Groups of high level, especially rockets and artillery, are capable to resolve an issue of the winner alone. Are deadly also delay with science, and neglect defense in favor of development. Options much: choose any!

Category: About Games | Added by: armedexpert (04.07.2015)
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