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Download utilities for localization of modifications for TES 4 Oblivion
To download file - torrent file 06.08.2015, 17:44

This set of utilities is intended for automation of process of localization of modifications for OBLIVION.

■ the First utility of OBL_TEXT_EXT_ST1 is urged to automate completely process of extraction of text resources a mode by means of computation of a difference between two file sets. It works to a disgrace simply. In the directory with the utility we create two subfolders: ORIG and MOD where we add respectively original and changed by addition resource files. Original files are easily derived by loading in the editor only of esm-files which are required a mode (the list of master files on which addition depends, is output in a window of a choice of spendthrifts on the right - both in the editor, and in the utility of start of game). Files of each set are named in quite specific way: descriptions - desc.txt, fractions - fact.txt, names - names.txt, dialogs - dialog.txt, quests - quest.txt, and, at last, scripts - script.txt. Now we launch the utility and if everything is made correctly, through a two-three of minutes in the folder one more subfolder - EXPORT will appear the utility. If on the computer Microsoft Excel is set, in the same place we will find also the MOD_TEX_RES.xls file which contains the derived resources a mode which are spread out according to sheets ergonomically formatted and completely prepared for the translation. We need only to translate lines from a yellow column, having inscribed Russian-speaking options in a green column. If the resource line wasn't added but only it is modified by addition, then in a green column we will find already inscribed translation from resources of the game. As a rule, modifying happens not purposely, for example, the modmeyker added a new location in some territory, thus the editor marked the territory as edited and saved its name in the esp-file. Therefore in this case not the translation of the name, and "resetting" to it the Russian writing takes place. When the green column is completely filled with the translations of lines, we save the file, we close Excel.
■ the Second utility of OBL_TEXT_EXT_ST2 based on the xls-file generates the IMPORT subfolder where will place files with a nominal suffix of _import. These files it is possible to import the translated resources back to game now. If Excel on the computer isn't found, then the xls-file won't be created, and we need only to translate the derived resources means of the improvised text editor. Upon completion of the translation of English-language phrases, the received files are also suitable for importing. 

  To launch an executable file, to follow instructions of the program of installation. On completion of installation in the starting menu there is a submenu "Localization of modifications for Oblivion".

Category: Creation of games | Added by: SkynetSp | Tags: of, for, TES, Oblivion, Creation of games, Utilities, Localization, modifications, download
Views: 734 | Downloads: 13 | Rating: 0.0/0
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