Date of an output: 2003
Genre: Survival horror about growing problems
Publisher/developer: Konami/Team Silent
On examples of Square Enix, Capcom and Konami we were repeatedly convinced that where-where, and in Japan numerous continuations of the well-known series are hardly worse than the predecessors. With Silent Hill quitted a little differently. After the first part the magnificent sequel followed, and here the third part was poorer in a plot and puzzles occasionally gave out such that it was necessary only to gnash teeth, but killed all these defects workmanship. Despite a console origin (by 2003 exploited PS2), Silent Hill 3 showed the picture which was beyond a power even to the most technological computer games, and in respect of front animation game exceeded Half-Life 2 one year prior to it, Half-Life 2, release. The soundtrack which hit in trip hop gained such recognition that it as a result let out on separate CD. But especially the main character, Heather was successful: the blond teenage girl, in places very lovely, places frankly shitty, with brittle, it is characteristic by a teenage voice. If somebody guessed to make a rating the vzapravdashnikh of heroes of games of all times and the people, the first places of this rating would be taken by her. |